Custom Online Registration Form

​ Inviting new customers and students to sign up to your school through the portal is not a new feature, but there have been some changes.

Your enrolment form now has some customisable features.

Make sure you are capturing the information and details you need from your customers regarding them and their students by adding your Custom Attributes to your enrolment form. ​ Personalise this to your school!

So if you need photo consent from the parents when they are signing up or if you need to know and medical details about the student, you can add these as fields to the form.

Getting Started

​ Firstly you will need to create your attribute if you have not already, so head to your 'Custom Attributes' under 'Settings'. Follow the link to our blog explaining in depth how to set up your custom attribute. Custom Attributes

The only change when creating the attribute is the options regarding the portal. In the example you can see the tick boxes that will need to be selected for this to appear on your portal enrolment form. ​

Custom Registration Options
Click image to zoom

​ Here's what they mean: ​ ##### Show on Portal When a customer has registered and logged into the portal this information can be seen beside their basic information. ##### Editable by customer A customer can change these details on the portal if circumstances change. ##### On Registration This data field will appear on the enrolment form for brand new customers registering. ##### Required It is mandatory for them to complete the form. ​ That's all there is to it!

Now that these attributes have the relevant boxes selected they will appear on your enrolment form. In the example below; Medicals, Photo Consent and Educational School have all been added by the user to their form.

Custom Registration Form
Click image to zoom

​ When a customer has filled out these attributes and they have been approved onto your database, the data they have filled out will populate on the relevant customer/students page.

Add your Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy to your form

​ You can now get your new customers to agree to your Terms and conditions and privacy policy when they enrolling.

You will find this in your 'Settings' under 'Policies' .

Set Company Policies
Click image to zoom

Simply copy your terms into the correct boxes and the customer will have to agree to these when they have finished filling in the enrolment form.

Register Form Terms and Conditions
Click image to zoom

You will only need to set these up once and maybe update if circumstances change but it will mean capturing all the data you require with minimum admin.

Now all you need to do is post your Portal link on your website or social media and start collecting new registrations (Find this on your Dashboard)!


Customer Success Executive
Written Oct 15, 2019
30 jours d'essai gratuit, sans engagement

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