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For as little as 99¢ per day our software is the best value in the industry
Class Manager assiste le aziende di tutto il mondo , dalle scuole di danza, ginnastica, nuoto, tennis alle arti marziali. Aiutare i proprietari a prendere il controllo in modo che possano concentrarsi sull'insegnamento.
We help dance studios maximise their studio space and streamline scheduling.
Scopri di più >We help gymnastics clubs streamline their timetabling and registration.
Scopri di più >We help cheerleading clubs optimise their enrolment and bookings.
Scopri di più >We help tennis clubs to optimise their timetable and court schedule.
Scopri di più >Track business metrics and skyrocket your growth
Streamline registration, communication and billing
Working hard to make running your business easier.
Class Admin Software shouldn't be and now isn't expensive.
Hopefully you won't need us, but it's nice to know we are always here.
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