Pre-recorded Online Classes

Pre-record your classes with our new pre-recorded online classes feature. Available to you completely free of charge. You can now pre-record classes and share them with your students when the class would normally go ahead.

Prerecorded Online Video Classes
Click image to zoom

Providing a great experience to your students we have integrated with YouTube to deliver your classes. (Don't worry your classes will only be available to those in your classes - they won't be public).

(Alternatively you can use another provider, however our branded view would then not be supported).

Benefits of using Class Manager's Online Classes

Class Manager's Pre-recorded Online Classes feature gives you the following benefits:

  • Students can take your class from anywhere!
  • Students can view a class at a time suitable for them (after the class is available).
  • Record videos in advance at a time that suits you.
  • Easily invite all students to the correct class with 1 click.
  • Protect yourself with our pre-recorded video disclaimer/policy, which all students must agree to before joining.
  • Stay on brand, by default your online class is embedded into your branded portal and doesn't require 3rd party downloads.

How do I get Started?

Easy, you can get started in ~10 minutes.

  1. First you'll need to sign-up for a YouTube account

  2. On Class Manager enable Pre-recorded Online Class for the class you want to host online.

Dance Class Online
Click image to zoom

  1. Upload your videos to YouTube and add the videos to each lesson (be sure to set the video to unlisted).

  2. Update your Online Video Disclaimer

  3. Send the online invitation to all of your students of that class with one-click in Class Manager.

Invite All Customer
Click image to zoom

For a step-by-step guide, please see our knowledge base article or reach out to our team for assistance.

What will my customer see?

When your customer logs into the portal they will see a list of upcoming classes, 5 minutes before the class begins the video will become available.

Join Class Online
Click image to zoom

Before they can join, they will need to agree to your online video disclaimer/policy. If you leave your online video disclaimer/policy blank, this step will be skipped.

Online Video Disclaimer
Click image to zoom

Lastly your student will be entered in to your class and can view the video.

Prerecorded Ballet Lesson
Click image to zoom

How much does it cost?

Zero. As with all Class Manager features, this feature is free! As for hosting YouTube also allows you to upload your classes for free.


Written Mar 17, 2020
free software trial, no commitment

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